Pursuant to the requirement of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), a copy of the Asbestos Management Plan for each school building is available for review in each respective facility. A complete set of Management Plans is available for review in the District Administrative Office. The Management Plan containing past, present, and future asbestos activity is located at the District Office at 825 15th Street in Nevada, Iowa. People wishing to view this plan may contact Dave Kroese, Gates Hall, 825 15th Street in Nevada, IA, 515-382-2783. The asbestos activity can also be found on the District website,
Board Policy 804.4 – Asbestos Containing Material
Directory Information
The following information may be released to the public in regard to any individual student of the Nevada Community School District as necessity or desirability arises: Name, address, telephone listing, date & place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of the athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, the most recent previous school or institution attended by the student, and other similar information.
Any student over the age of eighteen (18), parent, or guardian, not wanting this information released to the public must make objection in writing within fifteen (15) days of the date of this publication, or within fifteen (15) days of enrollment should enrollment occur after that date, to the principal or other person in charge of the school which the student is attending.
Board Policy 506.2 – Student Directory Information
Educational Equity Policy Statement
The Nevada Community School District offers career and technical programs in the following areas of study: Agriculture, Business Management & Administration, Business Technology, Health Occupations, Auto Mechanics, Auto Collision, Culinary Arts, Family & Consumer Science, Health Science, Construction Trades, Criminal Justice, Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Auto‐Body Collision & Repair Technology, Automotive Mechanics Technology, and Diesel Mechanics Technology.
It is the policy of the Nevada Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment), marital status (for programs), sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status (for programs) in its educational programs and its employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy please contact the District Equity Coordinator Kody Asmus, Gates Hall, 825 15th Street, Nevada, IA, (515) 382‐2783.
District Discipline Policy Statement
The Nevada Community School Board affirms its intent to support the school discipline policies, to support school staff that enforces the discipline policy, and to hold school staff accountable for enforcing the discipline policy.
Harassment and Bullying
The Nevada Community School District is committed to providing all students a safe and civil educational environment in which all are treated with dignity and respect. The District is also committed to promoting understanding and appreciation of the cultural diversity of our society. The Nevada Community School District shall educate students about our cultural diversity and shall promote tolerance of individual differences.
The Board Policy can be found in its entirety on the District website. You also can request a copy be mailed to you by contacting the Office of the Superintendent by calling (515) 382-2783 or sending a letter of request to the Office of the Superintendent, 825 15th Street, Nevada, IA 50201.
Board Policy 102.E4 – Compliant Form (Discrimination, Anti-Bullying, & Anti-Harrassment)
Equal Employment Opportunity (Affirmative Action)
It is the policy of the Nevada Community School District Board of Education to extend equal opportunities to all employees and to applicants for employment who meet the qualifications established for a class or a position for which the application is made. It is also the policy of this district to not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, religion, creed, sexual orientation, gender identity or marital status.
Inquiries regarding compliance with equal educational or employment opportunities and/or affirmative action shall be directed to Affirmative Action Coordinator, Nevada Community School, 1035 15th Street, Nevada, IA 50201. Inquiries may also be directed in writing to the Director of the Region VII Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 310 W. Wisconsin Ave., Ste. 800, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203-2292, (414) 291-1111 or the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, 211 E. Maple, Des Moines, IA 50309, (515) 281-4121.
Board Policy 401.1 – Equal Employment Opportunity
Health Service Responsibilities
The health service responsibilities for grades pre-kindergarten through twelfth are shared by two nurses. Not only is the focus of physical care for the students but on health promotion and health education as well. The complete school health program includes elements of health service, health education and a healthy school environment to help meet the educational and health needs of the student population.
Some of the health services for students and staff include screening programs, illness care, emergency care and first aid, health counseling and communicable disease control. Screening programs which include vision (grades kindergarten through 8th) hearing, blood pressure, height and weight measurements, are completed each year.
Health counseling, an increasingly important part of health service, involves conferences with students on concerns such as family problems, personal health problems, pregnancy, weight-control, stress and/or hygiene.
Another area of school health deals with health education. The school nurse is often a classroom presenter or serves as a resource for the classroom teacher. Programs are provided on subjects such as sex education, sexually transmitted diseases, communicable and chronic diseases, hand washing, dental health, growth and development and CPR.
Through health services and health education the school nurse can help students make healthy and responsible choices.
Iowa Sex Offender Registry
Many communities in Iowa, including Nevada have residents living in the community that are on the Iowa Sex Offender Registry. We are aware of residents living in the Nevada area that are on the sex offender register, although we no longer receive any official notification. The sex offender register is available online at Parents are encouraged to be aware of this information by accessing this website.
Please be aware that this notification is to serve only as a means for the public to protect themselves. Any action taken by anyone against these individuals or their family can result in arrest and prosecution.
Military Recruiter Access
Under federal law, Nevada must provide military recruiters your child’s name, address and telephone number, without your prior written consent. Parents of secondary school students have a right to request that their child’s name, address and telephone number not be released to a military recruiter without their prior written consent. Parents/Guardians may request that information not be provided by contacting the High School Guidance office by calling (515) 382-3521 or sending a letter of request to the High School Guidance Office, 1001 15th Street, Nevada, IA 50201.
Video Surveillance
Nevada CSD uses video surveillance /electronic monitoring equipment to observe, monitor and/or record the behavior and activity of all persons on school property or grounds, or participating in school functions.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is the law that prohibits schools from discriminating against students with disabilities. Section 504 sets minimum standards for providing related services and aids to students with disabilities that substantially limits a major life activity. All accredited Iowa schools must comply with Section 504, Section 504 applies to elementary and secondary education, preschool and adult education, and private education.
For more information on consideration of a 504 Plan for your child, please contact your child’s Principal. The Principal will then take steps to convene a team of individuals who are knowledgeable about your child to determine, based on evaluation data, if a 504 Plan is warranted. Following is a link to the Iowa Dept. of Education website for more information on Section 504.
Are you between the ages of 5 and 21, and:
- Lack a fixed, regular or adequate nighttime residence?
- Live on the street, in a car, tent or abandoned building or some other form of shelter not designed as a permanent home?
- Live in a community shelter facility?
- Live with non-nuclear family members or with friends? (not living with a parent, foster parent or court-ordered guardian)
The ways we can help…
- Immunizations* Enrollment in a friendly school
- Provide free school breakfast and lunch* Payment of school fees
- Support services to help students be successful * Seek support for family members
- Transportation to and from school* Transfer your school records
Contact Nevada Community School District for assistance: District Office, (515) 382-2783
¿Sin hogar? ¡la ayuda está disponible! Nevada Community Schools. Llame la oficina administrativa. (515) 382-2783
Nevada CSD Coordinator Assignments
Dr. Kody Asmus
825 15th Street, Nevada, IA 50201
(515) 382-2783
- Multi-Cultural Non-Sexist Education Coordinator
- Title IX Coordinator
- Equity Coordinator
Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment is the process by which a parent or guardian residing in an Iowa district may enroll their child(ren) into another Iowa school district under the terms and conditions of Iowa Code 282.18 and Iowa Administrative Code 281-17
Parents/guardians of Open Enrolled students whose income falls below 160% of the federal poverty guidelines are eligible for transportation assistance. This may be in the form of actual transportation or in the form of a cash stipend.
Parents should be aware that the Open Enrollment may result in the loss of athletic eligibility. For further details, contact the District Office at (515) 382-2783.
Special Ed Delivery Plan
This plan can be located on the District website If you have any questions or concerns regarding this plan please contact Kody Asmus at (515) 382-2783 or by email at
Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Act
As Juniors and Seniors plan their class schedules, it is important that they are aware of the opportunity to enroll in college classes. The Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Act is intended to promote rigorous academic pursuits and to provide a wider variety of options to High School students by enabling eleventh and twelfth grade students to enroll part time in nonsectarian courses in eligible post-secondary institutions of higher learning in Iowa. In simple terms – a Junior or Senior in High School has the option to attend a university, college, community college or private institution that is eligible under the act. Several Nevada students have taken advantage of this opportunity in past years.
For students enrolling under this act, tuition is authorized to be paid by the local school district. The amount of tuition reimbursement for each separate course shall equal the lesser of the actual and customary costs of tuition, textbooks, materials and fees directly related to the course taken or two hundred and fifty dollars ($250). Students and/or parents interested in learning more about earning post-secondary credit while in High School should contact the High School Guidance Counselor.
School Bus Safety – Kadyn’s Law
One would think it would be difficult to miss the flashing amber and red 8-way flashers on the bulkhead of our buses front and back as well as the red flashing lights on our two bus-mounted stop signs. Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence. The purpose of the law is to protect our students. The fine is issued only after the dangerous action is over and is used as a deterrent in the future. Under the bill, Senate File 2218, a first offense fine is at least $250 and up to $675, and a violator can be sent to jail for up to 30 days. A second offense within five years is a serious misdemeanor, with fines ranging from $315 to $1,875 and a jail term up to a year. Nevada has cameras mounted in most of our buses. This has been a very valuable tool in identifying the vehicles involved in the situation. Every year we hear about young children getting killed or injured in situations involving school transportation. Most schools, including Nevada design our bus routes to minimize the risk for our students but we need your help. Keep in mind that it is illegal and dangerous to pass a school bus from either direction while the red lights are flashing and the stop arm is extended. You must slow to 20 mph or less and be prepared to stop a minimum of 15 feet away from the bus when approaching from the front when the amber warning lights are flashing. The only time these lights are going to be used is when children are coming to or going away from the bus at their designated stops so please stay clear until all children have left the area. For a complete set of details, please go to the Code of Iowa (Iowa Code section 321.372) at http://www.legis.state.ia./us/IACODE/2001/321/372.html.
Teacher Qualifications
Parents/Guardians in the Nevada Community School District have the right to learn about the following qualifications of their child’s teacher: whether the teacher has met state licensing criteria for the grade level(s) and subject area(s) taught; whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or provisional status through which state licensing criteria would have been waived; the undergraduate degree major of the teacher, and any graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, including the field of discipline of the certification or degree; if your child is provided services by paraprofessionals their qualifications.
Parents/Guardians may request this information from the Office of the Superintendent by calling 515-382-2783 or sending a letter of request to the Office of the Superintendent, 1035 15th Street, Nevada, IA 50201.
Tobacco/Nicotine Free Environment Policy 905.2
Nevada Community School District facilities and grounds, including school vehicles, are off limits for tobacco or nicotine use, including the use of look-a-likes where the original would include tobacco or nicotine. This requirement extends to students, employees and visitors. This policy applies at all times, including school sponsored events, wherever held, and non-school sponsored events on District facilities and grounds. Visitors failing to abide by this policy are required to extinguish their smoking material, dispose of the tobacco, nicotine or other products or leave the District premises immediately. Students or employees failing to abide by this policy are subject to additional sanctions. It is the responsibility of the administration to enforce this policy.
Use of Video/Audio Cameras on School Buses
The Nevada Community School District Board of Directors has authorized the use of video/audio cameras on District buses. The video/audio cameras may be used to randomly monitor student behavior to maintain order on the school buses to promote and maintain a safe environment. Students and parents are hereby notified that the content of the recordings may be used in a student disciplinary proceeding. The content of the recordings are confidential student records and will be retained with other student records. Recordings will only be retained if necessary for use in student disciplinary proceeding or other matter as determined necessary by the administration. Parents may request to view recordings of their child if the recordings are used in a disciplinary proceeding involving their child.
Student Records
Nevada Community School District maintains records on each student in order to facilitate the instruction, guidance and educational progress of the student. The records contain information about the student and his or her education and may include, but are not limited to, the following types of records: identification data, record of achievement, family background data, aptitude tests, educational and vocational plans, honors and activities, discipline data, objective counselor or teacher ratings, and observations and agency reports.
The records of each student are generally located in the school in which he or she is attending. The person in charge of record maintenance for each school building will note in the student’s other records any exception. The name and position of the person responsible for maintenance of student records for each school building is listed below.
Central Elementary – Chris deNeui, Principal
Middle School – Tony Sneiderman, Principal
High School – Kristian Einsweiler, Principal
The following persons, agencies and organizations may have restricted access to student records, without prior written consent of the parent or student over the age of 18 years. Any other access to student records shall be only upon written consent or upon court order or legally issued subpoena.
- To school officials within the school district and AEA personnel whom the superintendent has determined to have a legitimate educational interest, including, but not limited to, board members, employees, school attorney, auditor, health professionals, and individuals serving on official school committees;
- To officials of another school district in which the student wishes to enroll, provided the other school district notifies the parents the student records are being sent and the parents have an opportunity to receive a copy of the records and challenge the contents of the records unless the annual notification includes a provision that records will automatically be transferred to new school districts;
- To the U.S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education or state and local educational authorities;
- In connection with financial aid for which the student has applied or which the student has received if the information is necessary to receive the financial aid;
To organizations conducting educational studies and the study does not release personally identifiable information; - To accrediting organizations;
- To parents of a dependent student as defined in the Internal Revenue Code;
- To comply with a court order or judicially issued subpoena (consistent with an interagency agreement between the school district and juvenile justice agencies);
- In connection with a health or safety emergency; or,
- As directory information.
Student records are reviewed and inappropriate material destroyed periodically and, at a minimum, whenever a student moves from the elementary level to the middle school level, from middle school level to the high school level, and when a student transfers out of the district. Those records not of permanent importance are destroyed within three years after graduation or discontinued attendance.
The parents of disabled students, or disabled students over age 18, will be informed when personally identifiable information in the records is no longer needed to provide educational services, and before the information is destroyed.
Corporal Punishment, Restraint, and Physical Confinement and Detention
State law forbids school employees from using corporal punishment against any student. Certain actions by school employees are not considered corporal punishment. Additionally, school employees may use “reasonable and necessary force, not designed or intended to cause pain” to do certain things, such as prevent harm to persons or property.
State law also places limits school employees’ abilities to restrain or confine and detain any student. The law limits why, how, where, and for how long a school employee may restrain or confine and detain a child. If a child is restrained or confined and detained, the school must maintain documentation and must provide certain types of notice to the child’s parent.
Board Policy 503.6 – Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students
If you have any questions about this state law, please contact your school. The complete text of the law and additional information is available on the Iowa Department of Education’s website:
Objection to Instructional Materials
Board Policy 605.3 – Objection to Instructional Materials
Board Policy 605.3R1 – Reconsideration of Instructional Materials Regulation
Board Policy 605.3E1 – Instructions to the Reconsideration Committee
Board Policy 605.3E2 – Reconsideration of Instructional Materials
Board Policy 605.3E3 – Sample Letter to Individual Challenging Instructional Or Library Materials
Board Policy 605.3E4 – Request to prohibit a student from checking out specific library materials