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The Board recognizes that travel outside the United States can add to a student’s education.   Participation in student travel opportunities offered through the school is often limited to a small number of students due to costs and competing interests.   The students are usually accompanied by one or more staff members who also take the responsibility for organizing the trip.

To minimize the number of school days and work days missed, the Board requests that these travel opportunities be scheduled during non‐school and non‐contract days.  Summer break, spring break, winter break and Thanksgiving break are times when this travel could be scheduled.  With Board approval, these breaks may be extended for one or two student days/contract days.

Student travel outside the United States which does not occur during school days or contract days does not require approval of the Board.  The District, with approval of administration, will allow organizers of this travel to have, access to students at school for communication purposes.  Meetings may be held with interested students at school but outside of class time.   Organizers of this travel, other than staff, must have Board approval.

The District will not serve as the fiscal agent for the funds for such travel.  Also, the District does not assume any responsibility or liability for the safety of students and staff during this travel.

Staff members who are absent during the school year for this travel will be required to take personal or unpaid leave for those contract days which they are absent.  This leave is contingent upon approval by the superintendent.

Approved: November 13, 2006

Reviewed: May 6, 2024
