The District requires that the manner by which testing and evaluation materials are selected and the procedures that are developed for evaluating students with suspected disabilities are to be free of racial or cultural bias.  The regulations for Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 also require an individualized evaluation before educational placement decisions are made for disabled persons.


For the purposes of developing an individualized education program for each student, the local, intermediate, or state education agency will establish procedures requiring non‐discriminatory testing and evaluation practices.

  1. Assessment instruments will be appropriately adapted when used to assess students with impaired sensory, physical, or speaking skills and must consider each student’s age and socio‐economic and cultural background.
  2. Specialists implementing evaluation procedures must be familiar with local cultural,     language, and social patterns and practices.
  3. Tests and similar evaluation materials will be administered in the student’s primary language, wherever appropriate.
  4. Interpreters, in the native language, and/or in sign language may be used throughout all phases of the evaluation.
  5. Communication with parents and the student will be in the native language of the home, wherever appropriate.
  6. Criterion referenced instruments will be used.
  7. Developmental checklist(s) will be used where appropriate.