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The Board believes that a dynamic program including extra‐curricular activities is vital to the complete development of students.  Such a program of student activities will be sufficiently broad and varied to offer opportunity for all students to participate.  The activity program will be supervised by qualified school personnel, and will be designed to:

  1. Meet the needs and challenge the interests and abilities of all students in accordance with their individual stages of personal development.
  2. Contribute to the physical, mental, aesthetic, civic, social, moral, and emotional growth of all students.
  3. Offer opportunities for both individual and group activities.
  4. Be  integrated with the instructional program.
  5. Provide a balanced program whereby a limited number of activities are not perpetuated at the expense of others worthwhile areas of participation.
  6. Be controlled to a degree that interscholastic activities do not unreasonably interfere with the regularly scheduled daily program.
  7. Assure adequate guidance to students to make sure that individuals keep their participation in activities within such limits that their benefits from other aspects of the school program will not be jeopardized.  The District will make reasonable effort to provide the maintain adequate facilities and equipment to develop and encourage a broad activities program.
  8. Practice on Sunday and holidays will be held upon special permission only.  Practices are limited to Monday through Saturday. Also see Policy 508.1 – Open Night.
  9. To participate in Middle School and High School extra‐curricular activities each participant will be a regular full‐time student of the District in good standing and pass all their classes.  Special participation circumstances, such as special student needs or home school students, will be approved by the principal or designee.
  10. Meet the academic requirements set forth by the Iowa Department of Education and the District Code of Conduct.

Approved: May 4, 1990

Reviewed: May 6, 2024

Revised: November 28, 2011