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The Nevada Community School District is committed to ensuring that every reasonable attempt is made to secure the attendance in school of all children residing in the District, and particularly those of compulsory attendance age.  To that end, the superintendent, in conjunction with the building principals, is directed to cooperate with the County Attorney and other relevant agencies, to enforce the state law of compulsory school attendance.

Children between the ages of six and sixteen, as of September 15, residing in the Nevada Community School District, are required to be enrolled in and attending an Iowa accredited public or private school, or receiving competent private instruction pursuant to state law, Iowa Code #299.1A.  Children of compulsory attendance age who are enrolled in the Nevada Community School District shall attend school for at least (174) days per school year, unless excused under the terms of the District’s attendance policy, Iowa Code #299.1.

It is the responsibility of the parent to notify the student’s attendance center as soon as the parent knows the student will not be attending school on that day.

Truancy shall be defined as failure to attend school without excused reason, Iowa Code #299.8.   Excused absences are medically documented illness, medically documented appointments, funeral of family member, court appearances, school‐sponsored activities, and other absences may be approved by the building principals, Iowa Code #299.1.  School administration may refer to the County Attorney’s Office a student and his or her parent for violation of the compulsory attendance laws for excessive unexcused absences, Iowa Code #299.5A.

If a child is absent from school, District officials shall make every reasonable attempt to secure the child’s attendance and document in writing all such efforts, Iowa Code #299.5A.  However, if a child of compulsory attendance age who is enrolled in the District is absent for more than 6 (six) days per year (excluding excused absences), the principal shall initiate the process identified in 501.3R due to the apparent violation of the compulsory attendance law by the child and the child’s parent or guardian, Iowa Code #299.11.  In addition, the building principal may impose discipline on the truant child in accordance with the District’s attendance policy, Iowa Code #299.9.

Approved: July 1, 1989

Reviewed: June 17, 2024

Revised: May 12, 2014