We will have to run Hard Surface Roads only when our buses can not get down gravel roads due to icy conditions, plugged gravel roads due to too much snow, or the gravel roads become too soft due to melting snow or too much rain.
Listed below are the intersections where the busses will stop, along with the pick-up and drop-off times. Country kids we have tried to get as close as possible to your gravel road/intersection as possible. If you live on a hard surface road, you will be picked up as usual. No elementary children will be dropped at the rural roads unless someone is there to receive them. They will be kept on the bus and returned to Central. Town stops we have tried to keep the times the same as close as possible. Remember we may be running Hard Surface due to weather and road conditions so please work with us on either side of your pickup times by at least 5 minutes.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the bus barn at 382-4067