The Transportation Department strives to provide safe and reliable transportation to and from school as well as school activities.
Alice Moody
Administrative Assistant
(515) 382-4067
Hard Surface Roads
We will have to run Hard Surface Roads only when our buses can not get down gravel roads due to icy conditions, plugged gravel roads due to too much snow, or the gravel roads become too soft due to melting snow or too much rain.
Finding your Child’s Stop Information
You can find your child’s stop information and pickup/dropoff times in the PowerSchool Parent Portal!
Go to, and once logged in select your student at the top, and select Other Information on the left. Bussing information will be listed on that page!
Please note – you must do this via a computer, it will not be available using the PowerSchool mobile app.
Student Conduct Policies
School Board Policy 711.2 – Student Conduct on School Transportation
School Board Policy 711.2 R1 – Student Conduct on School Transportation; Regulation