Updated, School Board Approved 8/16/2021; reviewed every 6 months via SIAC thereafter.
Updated per HHS, 2/2024.

When Governor Reynolds announced that schools would close for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year, they also announced that school districts would be required to complete a Return to Learn (RtL) plan to the Department of Education by July 1, 2020, assuring contingencies for the following delivery models:

  • On-Site Delivery – a full return to school
  • Required Continuous Learning – if school is closed again
  • Hybrid Learning – a combination of the two if only a certain percentage of students can attend on a given day

This is a fluid, guiding document that will continue to change as situations around COVID-19 evolve.

Guiding Principles

Delivery Models

Health & Safety Mitigation Overview

Equity & Meeting the Needs of All Learners

Staff Roles & Responsibilities

Student Roles & Responsibilities

Family Roles & Responsibilities

Guiding Principles

The intentional design of the delivery models planned for Nevada CSD is to provide flexibility to our system so as to be able to deliver high quality, engaging instruction in a safe environment regardless of the health context in our community. The design is also built to provide flexibility to students and parents so as to have some choice in delivery that meets their individual needs.

  • Ensure safe learning and working environments for students and staff
  • Ensure all students receive instruction that meets state and federal standards while having the necessary supports for success, including:
    • Access to technology and connectivity
    • Social-emotional wellness and health supports
    • Additional supports to meet needs of specific/identified populations
  • Provide training, time, support and flexibility necessary for staff to prepare and execute successful reopening
  • Provide proactive, clear communication (with translations) to all families and staff

Delivery Models

On-Site Delivery (District determined)

A full return of students and staff to school buildings. This delivery model will be done in buildings with face-to-face delivery of instruction for all students given application of mitigation steps described in the plan. This is the default plan for Nevada CSD.

Required Continuous Online Learning (State determined)

This delivery model will be done via remote online learning in the event that the District must close again due to the pandemic. Opportunities to interact with staff and students would occur virtually.

Online continuous learning will now be required; all K-12 students will be issued a device

Attendance will be taken

Coursework will be graded and credits will be granted as appropriate

Online learning may consist of both synchronous (live) and asynchronous (on demand) learning

Teachers will use Canvas platform for instruction

Hybrid Learning – District Level (State or District determined)

This delivery model will be done by alternating between on-site and remote learning. This model would be used in the event that the District would need to operate at 50 percent capacity. Students would be assigned to attend on an A-Day or B-Day schedule, with remote learning on the days they are not in physical attendance. Households/siblings would be assigned to attend on the same days.  Based on the Governor’s 7/17/20 proclamation, should districts decide to use this type of hybrid, at least 50% of instruction must be on site. A hybrid that does not include 50% on site learning must be approved by the State.

Monday: A Day and B Day students alternate Mondays

Tuesday/Thursday: A-Day students at school; B-Day students remote learning

Wednesday/Friday: A-Day students remote learning; B-Day students at school

Online Learning – Individual Level (Parent/student determined)

Although the District may be using the On-Site Delivery Model, we recognize that some students may be unable to attend school in-person due to either pre-existing medical conditions or out of personal family choice. If families are not comfortable sending their student(s) to school, there will be an option to select a required continuous online learning program. Parents can make this choice during online registration. (Due to staffing/planning considerations, the choice of this model will require a semester-long commitment.)

High School Online Learning Handbook

Middle School Online Learning Handbook

Central Elementary Online Learning Handbook

Health & Safety Mitigation Overview: On-Site Learning

Face Coverings (Masks and/or Face Shields)

Masks not required at school per House File 847 (5/20/21)

Temperature Checks

  • Parents are encouraged to check their child(ren)’s temperature prior to departure for school each day. As always, children should not attend school with a temperature of 100º or more.
    • Parents need to communicate absences to their child(ren)’s school.
    • Parents are strongly encouraged to share the following symptoms with the school nurse:
      • Fever or chills
      • Cough
      • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
      • Fatigue
      • Muscle or body aches
      • Headache
      • New loss of taste or smell
      • Sore throat
      • Congestion or runny nose
      • Nausea or vomiting
      • Diarrhea
    • Parents will need to have all contact information updated in Power School during registration; including emergency contacts.

Social Distancing

  • Social distancing will occur to the extent possible in all areas.
  • Schedules, passing time, lunches, and recesses may be staggered to the extent possible.
    • Students may be required to eat in their classroom.
  • School arrival procedures and student locations may be altered per building.
  • Parents/Guardians may be encouraged to partake in social distancing when waiting to pick up their child(ren).

Iowa Department of Public Health

  • COVID-19 positive persons can return to normal activities after:
    • 10 days since symptoms first appeared and
    • 24 hours with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and
    • Other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving (loss of taste and smell may persist for weeks or months after recovery and need not delay the isolation)
  • IDPH is no longer reporting Covid-positive cases to school districts
  • IDPH is no longer conducting contact tracing for exposed persons
  • IDPH is no longer issuing isolation/quarantine orders for COVID-19 exposure
  • IDPH has adjusted COVID-19 surveillance to follow the influenza model

Health and Human Services Update – 2/2024

  • Respiratory illness (cough and cold symptoms – includes influenza, COVID-19, and RSV)
    • Individuals to be excluded until fever-free for 24 hours without use of a fever reducing medication and respiratory symptoms are mild and improving.


  • Students will be taught health and safety measures, such as, but not limited to:
    • Frequent hand washing/sanitizing
    • Proper cover for sneezing/coughing
    • Keeping hands from the face
    • Social distancing
  • Signage will be posted in all buildings.


  • Sanitation efforts will take place throughout and after the school day.
  • Hand sanitizer will be readily available in many areas.
    • Students are encouraged to bring their own personal small container of hand sanitizer.
  • All classrooms will be equipped with supplies to wipe down high-touch surfaces periodically throughout the day.
  • Each building will be equipped with ionizers to disinfect rooms, halls, lockers, etc.
  • Each building will be equipped with disinfectant backpacks to spray playgrounds, restrooms, railings, door handles, etc.
  • Students are encouraged to bring their own water bottle to refill.


  • Buses will be disinfected daily.
  • Some routes may be limited or eliminated pending capacity regulations.
  • Parents are strongly encouraged to only use bus transportation for their child(ren) if absolutely necessary.

Equity & Meeting the Needs of All Learners

In all delivery models, the District remains committed to meeting the needs of each and every student. Even in an online learning setting, we will continue to provide services that meet the unique needs of our learners. We will work to remove barriers, to foster success and to provide the support needed for all learners regardless of the delivery model. The services will include, but are not limited to:

Special Education

  • Special education teachers and teams will continue to provide specialized instruction and support in accordance with a student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). As needed, a comprehensive “Remote Learning Plan” will be created in order to determine how educational services will be adapted, accommodated, or modified to meet individual student needs.

English Language Learners

  • ELL teachers will communicate with families on a bi-weekly basis to assess needed support for students and families. These teachers will coordinate a main contact for families and plan for ongoing communication that ensures technology support and interpreters, translated instructions and other documents, and multiple modes of communication.


  • Internet Access
    • Access to the internet is critical to students and yet many in our community are without adequate access needed for this delivery model. Nevada CSD has taken steps to reduce this barrier for students and families and will continue to find ways to partner with families and other community groups to assist our families in ensuring equity of access.
    • Wifi access is available outside in nearby parking spaces at each district building (HS, MS, Elementary, NCRC).  Those utilizing a Wi-Fi zone are able to do so from their vehicle in order to reinforce appropriate social distancing efforts.
    • The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has established an Emergency Broadband Benefit program.  It provides a discount up to $50/month towards internet service for eligible households.  Learn more at https://www.fcc.gov/broadbandbenefit.
    • The district promotes the Connect2Compete plan with Mediacom which provides internet access at a reduced cost to families. For $10 per month, families who have Mediacom lines run to their neighborhoods can contract with the company for internet access. You can find more information at mediacomc2c.com.
    • If any of these solutions do not work for your family, contact Director of Technology & Communications Joe Wakeman at jwakeman@nevadacubs.org or (515) 382-2783 and we will try to find a solution that will work for your household.
  • Device Access
    • Students in grades K-12 all have their own assigned devices.  Grades 5-12 currently take them home; grades K-4 do not.  If you are in need of a device for a student in grades K-4, please contact Director of Technology & Communications Joe Wakeman at jwakeman@nevadacubs.org or (515) 382-2783 and we will get you a device.
  • Device Repair
    • For students with current at-home devices, if you are in need of repair for those devices please bring them to Gates Hall (at 825 15th Street) between 9am and 3pm and you can exchange for a replacement.

Staff Roles & Responsibilities


  • Communicate the plan with the Board
  • Communicate the plan with parents, staff, students, and community partners.
  • Modify, update, and communicate changes to the plan based on data and changes in State and County guidance.
  • Coordinate with building administration and department heads any changes/updates to plan based on changing guidance and or confirmed cases.
  • District calendar changes
  • Coordinate any referrals or contacts with IA Dept of Public Health and/or Story County Public Health regarding outbreaks.
  • Meet regularly with nurses, and Story County Public Health representatives to review guidance and communicate any changes in the plan based on new or changing guidance.
  • Ensure all staff understand their roles and responsibilities
  • Provide necessary resources and supports to execute the plan
  • Monitor and revise the plan, as necessary
  • Determine facility use – by whom and for what use, key fobs, CDC guidelines, schools, district property (i.e. fields, playgrounds, track), staff access to rooms
  • Professional development on: Privacy/FERPA, mitigation strategies, mandatory reporter requirements, etc.

Associate Superintendent of School Improvement

  • Support principals and teachers with materials protocols and needs
  • Communicate grade level academic standards expectations
  • Support teams with curriculum needs (including essential learnings)
  • Coordinate data monitoring systems (Ex’s FastBridge, Panorama, etc.)
  • Support teachers of students with IEPs, 504s, EL plans or who are at-risk with materials and other needs
  • Communicate expectations for special education with teachers and other staff
  • Support building leadership teams in planning for the CKH, SEL, AIW, PLC’s, etc.

Building Administrators

  • Coordinate and implement student entrance and exit plan for students and staff
  • Lunch schedule for students and teachers
  • Recess schedules for classrooms (PreK-6)
  • Create and implement common area expectations plan (including bathrooms)
  • Communication with all stakeholders regarding building-specific protocols

Director of Building & Grounds

  • Follow IADPH, SCPH, & CDC guidance to develop a sanitation plan
  • Create and implement cleaning plan for each building
  • Communicate cleaning plan to building administrator
  • Work with building secretaries and custodians to ensure cleaning supplies and other mitigation supplies are always available

Director of Transportation

  • Create and implement transportation plan for on-site learning for students and drivers
  • Professional development for drivers & staff
    • Protecting themselves from exposure
    • Self-screening methods prior to driving of routes daily
  • Ensure all bus drivers are trained in proper sanitation of buses daily

Director of Technology & Communication

  • Create and implement device plan including sanitation
  • Develop a plan for transitioning from onsite to online learning and ensuring all students have a device
  • Develop a plan for check-out of computers at all buildings
  • Develop protocols for cleaning all computers that are checked-out during the school day
  • Develop a plan to have adequate supply of earbuds/headphones for student check-out during the school day
  • Ensure dissemination of District communication to all stakeholders across multiple platforms


  • Provide instruction to students and staff on proper handwashing and use of sanitizer and social distancing procedures
  • Provide instruction to students, staff, parents and community on proper use and purpose as well as staff and student use of PPE and thermometers
  • Provide instruction to students, staff and community on how to properly don and doff PPE as well as dispose of PPE including face masks
  • Develop and communicate sick bay procedures to staff, students, and parents.
  • Develop and communicate a plan for administering of meds to students if/when they are required to be in the sick bay
  • Track symptoms of students who have missed school due to illness


  • Communicate immediately to your building principal if you have been exposed to COVID-19 or have tested positive for COVID 19
  • Hand wash or use sanitizer prior to entering the building and routinely throughout the day
  • Develop process for students to follow when entering and leaving the classroom regarding use of hand sanitizer and social distancing
  • Communicate and model with students the proper technique for covering their coughs or sneezes
  • Arrange classrooms to maximize social distancing to the extent possible
  • Hand wash or use sanitizer after coughing/sneezing
  • Hand wash or use sanitizer before and after meals
  • Hand wash or use sanitizer after recess and/or group activities
  • Follow protocol for keeping the number of students in the restroom to a minimum
  • Follow protocol developed for the following areas/times:
    • Beginning and end of day
    • Lunch
    • Recess
    • Common areas
    • Classroom supplies
    • Locker rooms
  • Hand wash or use sanitizer after use of bathroom
  • Build in time between classes for students and staff to wash their hands
  • Encourage physical distancing
  • Assign priority bathrooms for use by each classroom
  • Develop or follow guidelines around the usage of classroom supplies
  • Engage in relationship and community building practices as outlined by building
  • Maintain and update online course materials in Canvas to support students who are unable to attend your classes due to COVID 19 related incidences

Specials/Elective Teachers

  • In addition to the above:
    • Clean materials when each class is complete
    • Implement process to clean hard surfaces between each class
    • Implement procedures for use of PPE as directed by the District

Special Education Teachers & 504 Coordinators

  • Contact parents to hold IEP meetings (or amend without a meeting) to include plans for onsite, hybrid, and remote
  • Contact parents of students to determine if any additional considerations/accommodations are needed

Administrative Assistants

  • Coordinate daily attendance and track absences related to COVID-19
    • Utilize symptom tracking document as implemented by nurses
  • Assist the nurses in administering medications when needed.
  • Keep track of COVID related supplies and communicate with building custodians as needed
  • Monitor visitors/volunteers allowed into the buildings

Bus Drivers & Bus Associates

  • Use of hand sanitizer when boarding bus (am and pm)
  • Ensure the bus is sanitized before and after students are transported on the bus

Food Service Director

  • Create breakfast and lunch distribution plan with building administration
  • Ensure proper cleaning and sanitation of all food prep areas

Student Roles & Responsibilities

  • Practice social distancing to the extent possible at all times
  • Sit in assigned seats and follow posted guidance throughout the building
  • Engage in frequent handwashing and other personal hygiene guidance as directed by nurses and teaching staff
  • Refrain from making derogatory comments to anyone related to COVID-19
  • If you are sick, running a fever, coughing, and or sneezing, stay home
  • Only use your own device and refrain from touching another person’s device
  • Continue to meet school-wide and classroom expectations, including following new directions and norms
  • Attend school regularly, arrive on time, bring appropriate materials and be prepared to participate in class
  • Participate in classes and complete homework; striving for academic growth
  • Respect the rights, physical safety, and property of fellow students, parents/guardians, school personnel, visitors, guests, and school neighbors
  • Conduct selves properly on school grounds, school buses, at bus stops, at any school-related activities, and in the classroom, virtually or in person, so as not to interfere with the rights of others
  • Discuss educational concerns with teachers and other school staff

Family Roles & Responsibilities

  • Check email, texts, and other district communication channels for updates and changes to the learning plan
  • Keep contact and emergency contact information up to date in PowerSchool
  • Engage in active problem solving and solution finding with teachers and building administration when concerns and or issues arise
  • Encourage and support your children in practicing social distancing and personal hygiene to protect themselves and others
  • Keep your children home from school if they are running a fever of 100 or more
  • Communicate illnesses and symptoms with the school nurse
  • Assist school staff by sharing ideas for improving your child’s learning (academically, socially, emotionally and behaviorally)
  • Provide the school with documentation for absences or tardiness
  • Help enforce student compliance with school rules and expectations
  • Review and discuss this document with your child/children