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Consistency in the use of the Nevada Community School District logo is important to reinforce the District mission. Non-District groups, companies, events and organizations must obtain prior approval to use the logo.  This includes, but is not limited to, promotional items, apparel, and other merchandise.

District and District-sponsored individuals and groups who purchase promotional materials or merchandise bearing the District logo must use a vendor that has obtained approval.  The Superintendent or designee reviews requests for use of the logo in a promotional capacity, provides the brand standards and approved formats, and documents the approval process.

Use of the logos and trademarks, and any messages, graphics or designs attached to the logo may not conflict with the mission, vision, values, goals, objectives or policies of the District. Promotional use must be in compliance with all state and federal laws governing the District.

Use of Logos for Promotional Purposes

Use of District logos/trademarks to promote groups, companies, events or organizations requires vendors to obtain District approval. The term “vendor” refers to the company producing, imprinting or creating merchandise or printed materials that include District logos.

Promotional use includes, but is not limited to, use on company vehicles, buildings, credit cards, banners, signs, calendars, sports schedules, apparel, promotional give-away merchandise and other marketing and promotional materials.

Promotional use may not imply the District endorses a product, service, or company, or that a product, service or company is a part of the Nevada Community School District. Any promotional text should be framed more in terms that “XYZ Company is a proud supporter of Nevada Community Schools,” rather than “Nevada Community Schools endorses XYZ Company.”

The District reserves the right to reject a request for use of the logo for purposes for reasons including but not limited to:

  • that violate its non-discrimination standards or standards of conduct or the rules noted here, those in the logo use guide, or in the licensing agreements,
  • whose products are deemed inappropriate for minors by the District or by law,
  • whose advertising or promotion is deemed inappropriate by the District,
  • who make inappropriate or fraudulent claims or offers as determined by the District,
  • which are under investigation or are not in good standing in the community, or
  • who have engaged in activities or events have transpired with which association would be detrimental to the reputation of the District.

Vendors without approval to use the District logo, and groups, companies, events or organizations who purchase and distribute materials or merchandise imprinted with the District without approval, will be in violation of the Districtʼs trademark rights. They will be offered an opportunity to become approved. If they do not become approved, they will be required to stop using the logos.  If a vendor has been previously approved and subsequently violates this policy, they will be offered an opportunity to become in compliance.  Non-compliance may result in revocation of their approval and any further use would be in violation of the Districtʼs trademark rights.

The Following District and District-Sponsored Group Use

District and District-sponsored groups that are approved to use the logo on materials produced by vendors with District approval:

  • Individual Nevada Schools and the District itself,
  • Nevada Schools athletic and activities teams and clubs,
  • Nevada Schools Booster Clubs,
  • Nevada Schools Parent-Teacher Organizations,
  • Nevada Alumni Association,
  • Nevada School Foundation,
  • Nevada Schools-sponsored student groups, or
  • Nevada Schools faculty, staff and administration.

Student Use

Students do not need approval to use District logos and trademarks in school projects, signs and banners related to school events, for fundraisers for school activities or projects, for graduation announcements, promotion of the school in general, for personal “school pride” use and other school-related uses. Students must follow the published branding guidelines. This exemption does not include student use of logos for personal profit outside of school.

Further Responsibility of Those Using the Logos

School logos cannot be used as a part of another organizationʼs logo, or modified in a way to create a new logo to represent a different organization, regardless of that organization’s exempt or non-exempt status.

The Superintendent or designee is responsible for the approval process.

Approved:  January 28, 2019

